1 samuraishake  Aug 8, 2010 5:58:31pm

While it is a good idea to get input from everyone involved in the issue, I think people have been circulating this editorial as some sort of “end-game.” As if one Muslim represents all Muslims. Just like Christians, Muslims are a diverse religion, and the viewpoint of one should not be expected to be held by all.

2 captdiggs  Aug 8, 2010 6:10:47pm

Other muslims have also written similar articles. I posted several here.
My point is that not all people who object to the mosque are “bigots” or “Islamophobes”.

3 Charles Johnson  Aug 8, 2010 6:17:42pm

re: #1 samuraishake

While it is a good idea to get input from everyone involved in the issue, I think people have been circulating this editorial as some sort of “end-game.” As if one Muslim represents all Muslims. Just like Christians, Muslims are a diverse religion, and the viewpoint of one should not be expected to be held by all.

Exactly right. I respect the opinions expressed by Neda Bolourchi, but I’m sad to see her lending support to a movement based on sheer populist bigotry.

4 captdiggs  Aug 8, 2010 6:23:20pm

re: #3 Charles

Is she also a “bigot”? She is expressing what many non muslims have also said.
I stand by my reason for posting that piece. Not all who oppose that location for a mosque are bigots.

5 samuraishake  Aug 8, 2010 6:24:13pm

re: #2 captdiggs

I realize that other Muslims disagree with the project. But their views are toted around the right-wing blogosphere as some sort of “final proof” of a leftist conspiracy. The right-wing bloggers who pimp this have been ignoring the diversity of Muslims views.

6 captdiggs  Aug 8, 2010 6:29:33pm

re: #5 samuraishake

I’m not presenting the article as “final proof” of .
I actually agree with you about a diversity of views within the muslim community.
And this view shows that certain views are not always based in bigotry.

7 Charles Johnson  Aug 8, 2010 6:29:56pm

re: #4 captdiggs

Is she also a “bigot”?

Hard to see how you could possibly get that out of what I wrote. I respect her opinions, but strongly disagree, and suggest that she is lending support to some very bad people.

Is there something unclear about this?

8 captdiggs  Aug 8, 2010 6:31:59pm

re: #7 Charles

That was clearer than your first reply.

9 samuraishake  Aug 8, 2010 6:32:32pm

re: #6 captdiggs

We can certainly agree on that point. And I don’t think you’re a bigot for posting that. But the bigots have been exploiting this editorial - they don’t treat these Muslims like people - they are Muslims first, and their value is determined by whether or not they agree with the Park51 opposition.

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